Braveny’s Garden

Don’t drink the co-op Kool Aid
August 23, 2009, 10:43 pm
Filed under: Seeds to Plant

Wendell Potter’s newest post talks about the kool-aid being served to the “Gang of Six” in the Senate Finance Committee. 

You can read about it here

We need a public option that will cover all the American’s currently without access to healthcare. 

My daughter recently developed a leg infection.  Now if she had insurance she could call her doctor and perhaps get an appointment sometime next month, (talk about rationing) depending on the doctor’s schedule, or go to the local urgent care to be seen sooner.  Currently she is unemployed, and she doesn’t have insurance, so her only choice is the local county hospital.  Once she arrived she was triaged, and took her place in line.  She was seen six hours later.  Her leg was lanced, she was given a prescription for antibiotics and released.  Total time spent:  12 hours.  She didn’t have money for the prescription so mom took care of that.  If she had gone back to the hospital the next day she could have waited another 12 hours to get her prescription for free.  That’s the care that “poor” people get and its outrageous. 

The following week she received the bill, $1800.00.   Now how the hell is she supposed to pay that? 

We need a public option. Period.   Don’t drink the kool-aid.

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