Braveny’s Garden

Democrats Against Healthcare Reform Bill
November 7, 2009, 9:42 pm
Filed under: Needs Trimming, Ugly Plants | Tags: ,
  1. Alder (NJ)
  2. Altmire
  3. Baird
  4. Barrow
  5. Boccieri
  6. Boren
  7. Boucher
  8. Boyd
  9. Bright
  10. Chandler
  11. Childers
  12. Davis (AL)
  13. Davis (TN)
  14. Edwards (TX)
  15. Gordon (TN)
  16. Griffith
  17. Herseth Sandlin
  18. Holdin
  19. Kissell
  20. Kosmas
  21. Kratovil
  22. Kucinich
  23. Markey (CO)
  24. Marshall
  25. Massa
  26. Matheson
  27. McIntyre
  28. McMahon
  29. Melancon
  30. Minnick
  31. Murphy (NY)
  32. Nye
  33. Peterson
  34. Ross
  35. Shuler
  36. Skelton
  37. Tanner
  38. Taylor
  39. Teague

All these Democrats voted against their own party and against HCR 3962. 


Unruly Republicans Disrupt Health Care Debate

The party of NO tries to delay proceedings.  To all Democrats….  please stop with the bipartisianship.  The GOP will only say no.  You tried, you failed..  now go on without them please, for the good of the rest of us who want this Healthcare Reform passed. 


November 7, 2009, 9:19 am
Filed under: Ugly Plants | Tags: , , , , , , ,

As Politico reports,

Kicking off today’s tea party press conference/protest at the Capitol, Missouri Republican Rep. Todd Akin urged the crowd to join him in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance because it “drives the liberals crazy.” Then he botched it.

So eager to shout out “one nation UNDER GOD,” Akin skipped right over the next word – “indivisible” – before stumbling into “with liberty and justice for all.”


I think I understand why this was left out by Rep. Akin.  He was sure to get in the words under God, but simply forgot Indivisible.  Why?  This tea party group crowding the halls of the Whitehouse on Thursday has done everything in their power to spread hate, bigotry and division.  They are against anyone that does not look like themselves or believe like they do.  That includes anyone that is of any other race, that believes in any other religion, or anyone that is gay. 

It makes me ashamed.  This crapola gets picked up by the news and spread all over the world as if that is what ALL Americans believe, and it’s not what most of us do believe.  Most of us have a brain and think these teabaggers are nuts. 

More than fifty percent of America wants healthcare reform.  Most people in America have accepted the differences and call people of other races family or friend.  Many of us have family or friends or coworkers who are gay and we treat them like we would any human being.  With love and respect. 

I say ENOUGH!  I am sick of the hatred, and the spreading of fear. 

Other countries have managed to work through all these issues better than we have in America.   In the land of the free…  where is our real freedom to be who we are?

Eric Cantor To Uninsured Woman
September 27, 2009, 7:31 pm
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I don’t think I get it Eric.  There are programs?  Charity Care?  Really now…

Gag me
September 12, 2009, 8:14 am
Filed under: I Would Never Grow, Ugly Plants | Tags: , , , ,

Dinner with Scarah P on Ebay…  Now isn’t she picky???  The rules below.  Personally I would rather eat worms.

Dinner shall last no more than four hours, but could be less, in the sole discretion of Sarah Palin. Governor Palin reserves the right to refuse dinner with a winning bidder if, in her sole discretion, the winning bidder is not a suitable bidder based on her subjective standards of suitability, professionalism, background and other factors. In the event the high bidder is rejected for this reason, the high bidder’s bid will be refunded, if paid, and the next highest bidder shall be notified, and thereafter, until a suitable match is determined…

The winning bidder agrees, warrants and represents that you will not in any way advertise, promote, market or, utilize Sarah Palin’s or the Ride 2 Recovery’s name, likeness, voice, photograph, signature, logo or image in any manner, for any reason at any time without the prior written consent of Sarah Palin or the Ride 2 Recovery. In order to make the experience more enjoyable and interesting, the dinner will be “off the record,” and the winning bidder and his/her guests agree not to record the conversation, take notes or quote Sarah Palin in any manner in any media including blogs or other online communications.

More here

Goodbye and Goodluck Duvall
September 9, 2009, 8:50 pm
Filed under: Ugly Plants | Tags: , , , ,

From the Lobby Blog, another assemblyman shows his “family values” (The actual video is no longer available, but it was up long enough).

DUVALL RESIGNS OVER SEX BLAB FLAP Michael Duvall has resigned from the California State Assembly after a local TV news station reported his remarks about sexual escapades with two lobbyists. Duvall was unaware that a live mic was picking up his hanky-spanky talk.

The Orange County Republican announced the resignation on his campaign website:

Read more about it here

On Sarah Palin’s Death Panels
September 8, 2009, 8:47 pm
Filed under: Ugly Plants | Tags: , ,

She’s Not There – The Zombies (1965)

About Sarah Palin and her “Death Panels”

She’s not there, and nether are the “Death Panels”.

New DNC TV Ad-Republicans Want to End Medicare
September 6, 2009, 3:09 pm
Filed under: Ugly Plants | Tags: , , ,

From the Washington Monthly

Is the ad true? Actually, yes. Most Republicans really did “oppose Medicare from the start.” As recently as the 1996 presidential campaign, Bob Dole bragged about having voted against the original bill. And for years, GOP leaders have “called for cutting Medicare.” Indeed, the McCain/Palin platform called for significant cuts to the popular program.

But did Republicans vote to “end,” “abolish,” and “kill” Medicare? It’s provocative, but it’s a supportable claim. In April, 137 Republicans voted in support of a GOP alternative budget. It didn’t generate a lot of attention, but the plan, drafted by the House Budget Committee’s Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) called for “replacing the traditional Medicare program with subsidies to help retirees enroll in private health care plans.”

Stoopid News #3
September 6, 2009, 1:19 pm
Filed under: Ugly Plants | Tags: , , , ,
The nuts dont fall far from the tree

The nuts don't fall far from the tree

Please run Michele, and make sure that you get sista Scarah to run with you.  That would guarantee Obama a second term, and also guarantee all of us bloggers in pajamas in our parent’s basement fodder for the next 4 years.  I bet Letterman would love it also!

Bachmann again dropped hints that she might want to run for president, saying that Democrats are attacking her

Stoopid News #2
September 3, 2009, 8:39 pm
Filed under: Ugly Plants | Tags: , , , ,

Jake Tapper and Karen Travers report:

White House officials seemed to be caught flat-footed by the response to what they say was a simple back to school address by President Obama to students across the nation — and has turned into a firestorm.

The White House now admits that one of the lessons plans surrounding the speech was written clumsily, subjecting it to misinterpretation, and had to be re-written. 

Some parents are talking about keeping their kids from school on tuesday to avoid the president’s remarks. The White House says it will release a copy of the text of the president’s address on monday so parents and educators can see that the message is entirely about learning, staying in school and taking personal responsibility.

Some school districts in Texas, Illinois, Virginia, Wisconsin, Missouri and Minnesota are even refusing to show the president’s address.

Well excuse me folks.  Some of us would LOVE to have the President address our children.  If you don’t like it..  keep your kids home that day.  I have seen and heard so much racism since November, but this beats all.